Shane on October 3rd, 2006

So I’m reading this article by David Peterson in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this morning. (No link, they take down articles after two weeks anyway.) The article discusses how housing is accounting for larger percent of people’s take-home pay. And it starts out discussing how peoples’ mortgages have gone up. An example was $600 to [...]

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Shane on May 25th, 2006

To follow up on my previous post about the regression of federal tax rates. Malcolm Gladwell had a brief snippet in his blog today about CEO pay. Brief because the numbers he cites speak for themselves. The problem with the rich-poor gap today isn’t that CEOs are overcompensated but that our tax laws are woefully [...]

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Shane on May 18th, 2006

I was listening to a short piece on NPR the other night that discussed tax laws. The claim was that “If conservatives had their way, they would only tax consumption. If liberals had their way, they would only tax savings.” It didn’t quite seem right, but it left an impression. My understanding of tax law [...]

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