It’s official. I’m an old man. Our daughter, Dora Lynn Colin, was born three+ weeks ago, on March 18th. She was much bigger than expected, weighing 8lbs6oz and 21 inches long. She is a healthy baby. She eats, sleeps, and poops, which is all that we had hoped for. Are you getting much sleep? No [...]
For those who just like to collect data, here are some ways to use Excel in your daily life. I personally like the idea of using Excel to track grocery costs. Maybe rather than tracking everything, it would be useful to track prices that fluctuate or that there are often specials on that mask the [...]
Who would win in a fight? A bear or a wolverine? A shark or an elephant? These answers and much more here. Make sure to check out the “old school Pipeline” link for important background information.
The NYT has a good piece about the economics of airlines providing WiFi on their planes. I am not exactly a seasoned traveller. I’m one of the people who hold up the security checkpoint because I’m never sure what to do before I am told. That said, when I travel, which is usually for leisure, [...]
My potato has sportingly agreed to come out to the Bob Mould show next Wednesday at First Ave. It’s been a long time since I’ve been there. I’m looking forward to actually being able to see the stage now that they’re smoke-free. Bob shares his thoughts about his new album this week in the AV [...]