My almost two year-old daughter, Dora, loves to read Sandra Boynton.
She loves the pictures. She loves to laugh at all the punchlines. Her
recent favorite is Philadelphia Chickens, which is a book/CD combo by
Ms. Boynton. Dora asks for the book by the name “Cows” which is the
title of the first song. I think I speak for my wife and I when I say
our favorite is Faraway Cookie. “I’m not tall enough to reach you
myself. So close and yet so very far….”
There is a great piece in the New York Times about Sandra Boynton today.
There is an excellent line in this interview that shows that she is as
smart as she is silly.
“To me, the commodity that we consistently overvalue is money, and
what we undervalue is our precious and irreplaceable time.”
is this Dora Realted to Donlald.O.Boyton?