It’s official. I’m an old man. Our daughter, Dora Lynn Colin, was born three+ weeks ago, on March 18th. She was much bigger than expected, weighing 8lbs6oz and 21 inches long. She is a healthy baby. She eats, sleeps, and poops, which is all that we had hoped for.

Are you getting much sleep?

How is she?
Good. Very cute. I could look at her all day long.

Do you have pictures?
Of course. Here Here Here And here

How is Mom?
She’s enjoying being a mom. And looking forward to getting her arm cast off in a week.

Has your life changed?
Like you couldn’t imagine.

One Response to “Dora Lynn”

  1. Barbara Scotford says:

    Oh, she is just gorgeous in every way! Perfect coloring, lovely hair, pretty lips – in short a beautiful baby. Thanks for posting the photos!

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